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Bus Stops

Bee-Liine bus stop and shelterThe Bee-Line bus system includes more than 3,300 bus stops.

Bee-Line buses only pick up and drop off at designated bus stops. It's the safest way to serve bus riders. Bee-Line bus stops are marked by a blue and white Bee-Line bus stop sign.

Ride-Guides are located on the bus stop pole. The Ride-Guide box contains the bus route number(s), route map and time schedule specific to a particular bus stop. Ride-Guides also contain special service messages unique to each bus route (e.g. holiday service, alternate destinations and routings).

If you ride a Bee-Line Shuttle, look for the distinctive Shuttle Loop sign that is located under the blue and white bus stop sign. Shuttle signs are identified by a symbol displaying the color and letter unique to each shuttle route.