The Bee-Line bus system includes more than 3,300 bus stops.
Bee-Line buses only pick up and drop off at designated bus stops. It's the safest way to serve bus riders. Bee-Line bus stops are marked by a blue and white Bee-Line bus stop sign.
Ride-Guides are located on the bus stop pole. The Ride-Guide box contains the bus route number(s), route map and time schedule specific to a particular bus stop. Ride-Guides also contain special service messages unique to each bus route (e.g. holiday service, alternate destinations and routings).
If you ride a Bee-Line Shuttle, look for the distinctive Shuttle Loop sign that is located under the blue and white bus stop sign. Shuttle signs are identified by a symbol displaying the color and letter unique to each shuttle route.
Bee-Line trips can be planned using either Google Maps or 511NY. Additional instructions and information regarding Google Maps and the real-time information that it provides can be found on Bee-Line Real-Time.
Google Maps
Desktop/Laptop Users: Open Google Maps and click on the directions icon. Simply click on the transit icon and enter your starting address/location and destination address/location, and transit options will be generated (including rail/bus options). For future trips, click on “leave now” and change to input a time to “depart at”, “arrive by” or to find the “last available” trip for the day. To plan trips utilizing only Bee-Line and connecting bus services, click on “options” and enter “bus”; options to generate trips with fewer transfers and less walking will also be available. For additional trip options, click on “schedule explorer” to view a grid of all available routing and timing options.
Mobile/Tablet Users: Open the Google Maps app and tap on the directions icon. Simply tap on the transit icon and enter your starting address/location and destination address/location, and transit options will be generated (including rail/bus options). Users can also choose their current location for a start/end point if their GPS is enabled. For future trips, change the default current time by entering a future time to “depart at”, “arrive by” or to find the “last available” trip for the day. To plan trips utilizing only Bee-Line and connecting bus services, tap “options” and enter “bus”; options to generate trips with fewer transfers and less walking will also be available.
Note to Google Users: Trip options may include various route options accessible from different nearby bus stops. Be sure to click on “details” to obtain step-by-step directions, including walking directions to/from bus stops for the specific trip being planned, the precise destination sign on the front of the corresponding bus to board, and the stop ID listed on the Rideguide at the bus stop. Please use caution accessing bus stops – Google does not guarantee that results will be free of errors or provide pedestrian amenities such as sidewalks and crosswalks.
Legal Disclaimer: The County of Westchester is not responsible or liable for the accuracy of any information provided by Google Maps and does not validate any trip planning information provided. Refer to the Google Maps/Google Earth Terms and Conditions for the terms under which Google Maps is providing you with map data, traffic, directions and other content.
511NY offers a comprehensive trip-planning tool to simplify the process of planning your trip in and around Westchester County.
The 511NY trip planning tool does not support Internet Explorer. Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers to generate trips.
Simply enter your starting address and destination address, and transit options will be provided, including rail and bus options. For planned trips at specific times or to develop itineraries that allow users to choose trips using only Bee-Line and connecting bus services, enter your start and end addresses and click on "Show Settings", which allows users to input parameters such as trip times, the preferred mode of transit, the preference of the quickest trip or fewest transfers, and whether the trip requires wheelchair accessibility.
Soon you'll be planning all of your trips using this handy tool.
Seniors and individuals with a disability can stay independent while leaving the driving to us.
If stepping onto the bus is difficult for you, the bus can "kneel" to lower the first step height. Feel free to ask the operator to kneel the bus to assist you in boarding or exiting. The first few front seats of the bus are designated for elderly and disabled riders and there is also designated space for wheelchairs. Check out our brochure "A Seniors' Guide to Riding the Bee Line" in English and Spanish.
Persons who use a wheelchair, scooter, walker or cannot use stairs to board a bus can still ride the Bee-Line. Wheelchair lifts or ramps are standard equipment on all Bee-Line busses.
Senior Reduced Fares Senior/Disabled Reduced Fares are available to riders who are at least 65 years of age with a government issued ID that has a photo and stipulates date of birth, certified disabled persons and valid Medicare card holders with photo identification. MetroCard Reduced Fares are only available to holders of personalized Reduced Fare MetroCards.
For more information about a Reduced Fare MetroCard, call (718) 330-1234 or log on to the MTA website.
Disabled Reduced Fares Reduced fares are available on fixed route buses to certified disabled persons with proper identification.
EasyPay Reduced-Fare MetroCard Program Decommissioning The EasyPay Reduced-Fare MetroCard program will begin the process of decommissioning, starting January 1st 2025.
You can use either coins or a MetroCard – but not dollar bills – on Westchester Bee-Line buses. If you use coins, the bus fare is $1.35 including one transfer. With a MetroCard, seniors pay the reduced fare of $1.35 per ride, but further discounts are available by using multi-trip cards and you have the convenience of not carrying exact change.
For seniors who take the BxM4C express bus to New York City during non-peak hours, the fare is just $3.75, coins or MetroCard. Refer to the full fare schedule.
OMNY fares cannot be recognized as valid transfers on the Bee-Line system. All Bee-Line passengers who regularly transfer to/from New York City Transit buses and subways should continue to use MetroCard until OMNY is officially introduced on the Bee-Line Bus System. Please visit our OMNY page for more information on this tap and go fare payment system.
MetroCard FAQs
Q: Do I need a MetroCard to ride the Bee-Line bus? A: No.You can continue to use coins with your Half-Fare ID card but not dollar bills. The cash fare is $1.35 for a ride and includes a free transfer.
Q: How do I get reduced fares? A: When you get a Reduced Fare MetroCard, you pay $1.35 a ride and get a free transfer to another Bee-Line local bus or to a NYC subway or bus. If you buy a multi-trip Metrocard, you get discounts.
Q: What is a Reduced Fare MetroCard? A: It is a photo ID card that is available to seniors 65 or older and can also be used to pay for rides at reduced rates.
Q: Why should I use MetroCard? A: You won't need exact change. You'll get free transfers from Bee-Line buses to other Bee-Line buses, New York City subways or buses. Plus, you get more discounts.
Q: How do I get discounts? A: The “Unlimited Rider" Reduced Fare MetroCard gives you any number of rides for a specific time period. For example, seniors pay $16.50 for 7 days or $63.50 for 30 days. This is available only to holders with a personalized Reduced-fare MetroCard. For more information call (718) 330-1234 or visit the MTA.
Q: How do I get a Reduced Fare MetroCard? A: You need to get an application. You can call MetroCard at (718) 330-1234, the Bee-Line HOTLINE at (914) 813-7777 or visit MTA MetroCard online. If you apply by mail, the application must be notarized.
Q: Can I apply for a Reduced Fare MetroCard in person? A: Yes, with a special MetroCard Van which makes scheduled visits to Westchester locations. You will need to bring with you proof of age and a photo ID.