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Transportation Information Fairs

As part of Westchester’s SMART COMMUTE Program, we will provide a Transportation Fair at your work site. Your fair will be tailored to your location and may be as big or as small as you would like.

An information table, for example, can be set up in a common area of your worksite during lunch hour where employees can learn about their commute options in a casual atmosphere.

The Commute Alternatives Division of the Department of Public Works and Transportation will provide flyers and/or e-blasts to promote the fair prior to the selected date.  Employers are expected to inspire their employees to use alternative modes of transportation and encourage participation at these events.

At Transportation Fairs, employees have the opportunity to:

  • Talk to mass transit representatives to learn about commute options and find a route tailored to their individual needs
  • Find a carpool or vanpool partner with 511NY Rideshare's  system  
  • Pick up current schedules for buses and trains, along with the Bee-Line System Map in English or Spanish
  • Find out about the Pre-Tax Commuter Benefit
  • Learn how alternative modes of transportation can help save time and money, reduce stress, reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a better quality of life

It’s that simple.  It’s a valuable benefit and it's free.

Call (914) 995-1630 for further information or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..